Coastlines Series
These paintings explore the boundaries between worlds: between the physical plane and the realm of reflections. They capture a place where the landscape dissolves, and, as “reality” fades into reflection, they are a moment of time in which to contemplate what is understood, or thought to be understood. In this way they act as a metaphor for memory, and the way our perception and what we think of as real is often distorted by time and distance. The reflections in these paintings distort the surrounding seascape, creating a blurred, dream-like mirror world within each piece. The dividing line is sometimes clear, and sometimes hidden, like memory.
These paintings are also about movement and transitions. The ocean is often a barrier and a place of change, a carrier of people and goods, but also the edge of something unseen, unknown. The ocean is constantly changing, like memory, or people. These paintings capture that shifting, liminal world between changes and worlds, and explore that dichotomy between certainty and doubt, between reality and dreams, to call to attention the fragility and impermanence of our perception.
These paintings are also about movement and transitions. The ocean is often a barrier and a place of change, a carrier of people and goods, but also the edge of something unseen, unknown. The ocean is constantly changing, like memory, or people. These paintings capture that shifting, liminal world between changes and worlds, and explore that dichotomy between certainty and doubt, between reality and dreams, to call to attention the fragility and impermanence of our perception.